B.A. (HKU), M.Sc. (Asian Institute of Technology), M.R.P., Ph.D. (Syracuse) FHKIP, FRTPI, FRAPI, FCILT, FBCS, RPP, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Yeh, the former Dean of the Graduate School at the University of Hong Kong, Director of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Research Centre and Institute of Transport Studies, the Convenor of the Contemporary China Studies Strategic Research Area of the University.
His main areas of specialization are urban development and redevelopment in Hong Kong, China, and SE Asia, and the applications of geographic information systems in urban and regional planning. He has carried out research and published widely in international publications in his research areas. He has been Chairman of the Hong Kong Geographical Association, Vice-President of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP), Vice-president of the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP), Programme Director of the Geographic/Land Information Technology Programme of the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP), Founding President of the Hong Kong Geographic Information System Association (HKGISA), and Chairman of the Geographic Information Science Commission of the International Geographic Union (IGU). He was elected as an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003 and he is at present Secretary-General of the Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA) and Asia Geographic Information System Association. He has been invited to attend many expert group meetings of the United Nations Centre of Regional Development (UNCRD) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). At present he is a member of the editorial board of Environment and Planning B, Computers, Environment and Urban System, Transactions in GIS, Progress in Planning, International Planning Studies and other international journals. |